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Dr.O Ozone Ear Insufflation Therapy Unit


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Ozone Therapy Ear Insufflation Unit may be most effective for therapy for all Eyes, Ears,  Nose, Brain  and Brain Trauma conditions. It feed oxygen directly to the brain by-passing mucous membranes. You can feel a difference in a minutes during a Therapy Session.

Ozone Ear Insufflation Therapy Unit comes with:

  1. Luer Connector for easy connection  directly to our Medical Ozone Generator
  2. 6′ Long Super Flex Silicone/PVC Ozone Resistant Tubing.


How  Ozone Ear Insufflations Work (for informational purpose only)

The ozone enters the ear canal and passes through the eardrum, which is semi-permeable. There, it oxidizes anything that is growing there, e.g., candida. After that, it will travel on to the eyes, and into the brain, oxidizing any toxins it comes into contact with. That is why this is a useful treatment for eye problems, as well as epilepsy and brain cancer.

Concentration of ozone to somewhere between 35-50 ug/ml. Do it for just a few minute the first time, and increase the time as your tolerance allows for up to 10-15 per ear.

Insufflation in the ear is excellent for ear infections, mastoiditis; hearing problems caused by candida; tinnitus; and beyond the ear to sinusitis; macular degeneration; retinitis pigmentosa; head colds; flu; bronchitis, asthma, Alzheimer’s; Parkinson’s; even brain cancer.

Disclaimer:  Ozone  Therapy is approved as treatment modality in many country around the word, but not in USA by FDA.